Teeth Braces in Bangalore

Teeth Braces in Bangalore

Blog Article

The Process of Getting Braces
The process of getting braces in Bangalore typically begins with an initial consultation and a comprehensive examination. This includes taking X-rays and photographs of the teeth to determine the exact nature of the alignment issues. The orthodontist then discusses the best treatment plan and the type of braces that would be most suitable. Once the braces are fitted, the patient will need to return for periodic adjustments, which are necessary to ensure the braces continue to work effectively as the teeth gradually shift into place.

Duration of Orthodontic Treatment
The duration of treatment with braces can vary depending on the complexity of the case, but most people wear braces for about 18 to 24 months. Some patients with less severe issues may require a shorter period, while more complex cases may take longer. Regular visits to the orthodontist are required for adjustments, which usually happen every 4 to 6 weeks. During these visits, the orthodontist

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